The second FIRE-ADAPT gathering took place at the Mexico Study Hub between November and December 2023. Its objectives were: (1) strengthen the technical capacities of firefighters through the first Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) in the country; (2) the exchange of knowledge on integrated fire management strategies between practitioners and researchers, and seeking to restore natural fire regimes and conserve biodiversity; (3) advance in the research conducted within FIRE-ADAPT work packages.
More information:
- Article and Instagram post about the event.
- Event recap, programme and involved actors, below.
programme 2023
- Welcome to participants to the Mexico Study Hub.
- Hybrid and online workshops on FIRE-ADAPT work packages.
- Visit to Santiago Xiacui community, Capulálpam de Méndez.
- Open day at the Universidad de la Sierra Juárez, with speakers from FIRE-ADAPT and other European proyects, and from diferent institutions and iniciatives on integrated fire management in Mexico.
Speakers from FIRE-ADAPT at the open day
César Robles, Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR), Mexico: “Mexico’s Fire Management Programme”
Lucía de la Riva, Pau Costa Foundation (PCF), Spain: “FIRE-ADAPT overview”
Míriam Piqué, Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and PCF, Spain: “Adaptive forest management: tools to integrate fire into forest management and planning”
Pere Casals, FIRE-ADAPT and FIRE-RES; CTFC, Spain: “Multi-objective fire use in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula)”
Adrián Regos, FIRE-ADAPT and FirESmart; CTFC, Spain: “Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustainable supply of ecosystem services: The FirESmart project”
Romain Matile, FIRE-ADAPT and FirEUrisk; WARUCENE, France: “Support the cultural fire”
Guillem Canaleta, FIRE-ADAPT and Fire Flocks; PCF, Spain: “Fire Flocks: innovating in fire risk management through grazing”
Felipe Borderas, PCF, Spain: “Prescribed fire. The example of the Canary Islands (Spain)”
Speakers from diferent institutions and initiatives on integrated fire management in Mexico
Óscar Abraham Morales Juárez, Comisión Estatal Forestal (COESFO): “Oaxaca´s Fire Management Programme”.
Enrique Jardel, Universidad de Guadalajara: “Fire management and conservation of forest ecosystems”
Laura Jiménez, Unión de Comunidades Productoras Forestales Zapotecos-Chinantecos(UZACHI): “Community-based fire management”
José Rojas, Unidad de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal Integral (UCDFI) Topia: “Fire management in Durango”
Dissemination in the media and social networks
- Twitter: threads of 21, 22, 23 and 24 November.
- Facebook (in Spanish): publications of 21, 22, 23 and 24 November.
- Video of Iván Zúñiga, from the WRI – Mexico, explaining the open day, en Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
With the collaboration of:
+ Comunisariado de Bienes Comunales de Ixtlán de Juárez
César Robles, Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR)
First TREX (Prescribed Fire Training Exchange) held in Mexico, setting the tone for the development of international strategies and collaborations that will strengthen research on fire management. It is a training that facilitates learning and the exchange of experiences in the execution of prescribed burns as a tool for the restoration of ecosystems adapted to fire.
Language: Spanish
See application and programme.
Speakers at the opening session
Eduardo Cruz Castañeda, CONAFOR: “Mexico´s Fire Management Programme”
Lucía de la Riva, Pau Costa Foundation (PCF): “FIRE-ADAPT overview”
José Luis Duce, The Nature Conservancy, USA: “The importance of TREX events”
Representative of Itxlán de Juárez community, Mexico: “Gobernance and community-based forest management”
Óscar Jared Díaz Carrillo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico: “Fire ecology”
César Robles , Óscar Hernández Fuentes and Yair Uriel Ricárdez Díaz, CONAFOR, México: “Presentation of the prescribed burn plan and TREX objectives”
Dissemination in the media and social networks
- Article by CONAFOR on the TREX inauguration.
- Twitter: summary thread.
- Facebook: summary post.
- Video of César Robles, from CONAFOR, explaining TREX, on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
With the collaboration of